color magic oregon wedding and family documentary photo and video

"there are worlds of experience beyond the world of the aggressive man, beyond history, and beyond science. the moods and qualities of nature and the revelations of great art are equally difficult to define; we can grasp them only in the depths of our perceptive spirit."

- ansel adams


Hello, I'm Lauren.

I currently work in and around Portland, Oregon, and visit my family often in Anchorage, Alaska. Both places hold a lot of love in my heart. I’m a multidisciplinary artist who primarily works with photography and the written word. I also love working with watercolor and weaving. I’ve been a professional photographer for over a decade, teaching film and digital photography to college students, and teaching photographers how to create client workflow strategies.

My Background.

I am deeply indebted to this practice of image-making that has guided me through my entire life of making meaning of my depression, working through death and disappearance of friends and family, and giving me confidence, collaboration, and a lens to see the beauty in this world. All while continually teaching me about peace and connecting with this present moment, and the wonderful fleeting yet eternal duality of everything in this precious life. This is the foundation of everything I photograph.


My Process.

I’m your aunt or your cousin, the one with four different cameras documenting everything. I’m the archivist for your story. I’m operating in the shadows where the light shines from, where you may not even notice I’m there. We’ll go and see what it means to love.

A portion of my profits goes towards expanding resources for BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ people through donations to various organisations, or direct reparations. I also offer sliding scale price points.

The photographs are your memories. I believe in the power of the printed image, so every single photo session comes with complimentary print options.

Whether it be moving picture, film or digital images, or all three, your story deserves to be told.

A Day in the Life.

I live with my cat Sindri and my husband, Matt. We are high school sweethearts and have been together for 12 years, and are usually found in the backyard working on the garden, camping and roadtripping around the state with our friends, and working on film sets together. In my spare time, I photograph musicians and artists and create conceptual fine art photography. And if that wasn’t enough, I also develop and print black and white film in my home darkroom. What can I say? The images mean everything to me.